Better and Happier with KOTORA

We provide and empower digital transformation solution for Small and Mid-size Enterprise (SME) that is data-centric, custom-fit, and truly effective.

Discover more

AI Solution

Focus to computer vision with human and objects recognition solution integrate to security surveillance camera system.
Security Surveillance Camera System
Face Regconition
Intrusion Detection

Blockchain Solution

Provide blockchain / web3 development service.
Develop Decentralized finance (DeFi) Apply blockchain technology to Securities Corporation System
Develop Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

Digital Transformation Solution

Provides a full solution for your company digital transformation with Cloud solution, ERP, CRM, Accounting, etc.
Data Analytics Service Data Analytics Service Methodology that uses AI and machine learning algorithms and other statistical methods to analyze business information from a variety of data sources.
Azure cloud Adopting cloud services in Azure helped your company embrace digital transformation that includes both technology and culture change.

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